Now youll find valuable nutritional symbols on many shelf tags throughout the store. These symbols quickly identify up to 3 important health and wellness attributes for that product. This page will familiarize you with those symbols and their definitions. Were proud to introduce yet another way in which your locally owned and operated Thriftway and Shop n Bag supermarkets are serving their neighbors one at a time.

heart-healthyRepresents foods that contain less than or equal to 3g of fat; less than or equal to 480mg of sodium; and contains greater than or equal to 10% RDA of one of the following: Vitamins A and C, Calcium, Iron, Protein or Dietary Fiber.organicRepresents foods that contain 95% of organic ingredients.whole-grain
Represents foods that have a whole grain as its first ingredient.
gluten-freeRepresents foods that are free of naturally occuring gluten.good-fiber-sourceRepresents foods that contain greater than or equal to 5g of fiber.low-saturated-fat
Represents foods that contain less than or equal to 1g saturated fat per serving.
Represents foods that contain less than or equal to 140mg of sodium per 100g.
The Easy to Eat Well program consists of a series of descriptive symbols.
Please understand that the symbols do not summarize or replace product nutritional information labels.
Please read the nutritional label on each product before you make your purchase decision.